Speed Bag Rack

As I mention in many of my videos I hang my speed bag platforms on a free-standing rack.

rack for speed bag platforms
Here’s a look at one version of the rack. This was built to accommodate a speed bag platform on each side.


It’s free-standing – so there’s no vibration into the walls or roof.

It’s easy to add, remove, or re-arrange platforms – which I do frequently.

It’s portable – because the whole thing is rough cedar 4″x4″ and 2″x4″ boards held together with 1/2″ bolts.

Occasionally, people ask for plans or construction details.

I’ve built several of these, for a variety of reasons, and honestly never did it in a very methodical fashion.

Beyond that, I will say I’ve built this in 5′ x 5′, 4′ x 4′, and the current configuration is 48″ wide by 30″ deep.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform full view 3
This version of the rack was built to accommodate two side by side platforms on each side – for a total of 8 speed bag platforms. These platforms have a 24" drum.

In that spirit, here’s a bunch of photos, that should help anyone who is interested in creating something similar.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform full view 5
Another view of the large rack…

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform full view 4
Notice how the side supports (the 2" x 4"s) are staggered to make construction easy. Nothing was really measured to put this together.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform full view 2
Another view of the side by side platforms.

The whole thing is bolted together. Why bolts? Because you can tighten them – but also it’s easy to take this thing on the road.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform portable
You can unbolt the thing, and pack it into a U-Haul trailer. There’s two racks in there – on their way from Florida to New Jersey.

Here’s some random close-up photos of the nuts and bolts. 1/2″ hardware is expensive. I suppose you could use smaller bolts, but I’ve never tried it.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform construction closeup 5
Being made from wood, this thing is light and easy to move, but it can also be used as storage for all kinds of things. (Like speed bags.)

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform construction closeup 4
One beauty of the rack, you can bolt your platforms to it – which makes changing platforms a snap.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform construction closeup 3
Double bolts in the 2x4s makes it super stable once everything is tightened.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform construction closeup 2
Closeup showing the inside and how the side 2x4s are staggered. This has two benefits – it’s easier to build it – and you can have different heights on the sides. This is helpful if you are hosting a group of speedbaggers of varying heights. (Hopefully you have adjustable speed bag platforms too).

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform construction closeup 1
How tall is this thing? I arbitrarily used 8′ cedar. As you can see, my garage ceiling is pretty low. There’s really no need to make it taller than 8′

Does this thing work? Yep – I’ve been using this rack (or some variation of it) for about 14 years now.

We’ve even hosted multiple speed bag celebrities at the house – here’s one you may recognize:

Alan Kahn Speed Bag Bible Author Stays at the house
I had the privilege of learning hands-on from Alan Kahn – author of the speed bag bible. This was in May 2007.

Speed Bag Labs Rack for Platform alan kahn speed bag bible 3
If there’s anyone that can teach you the speed bag – it’s Alan Kahn – author of the Speed Bag Bible.

I built two of these racks and trucked them to Keyport, New Jersey for the first Speed Bag Annual Gathering 2010 (Speed B.A.G 2010).

Here’s some photos. This was an incredible experience, and pictures can’t do it justice.

SPEED BAG 2010 - in Keyport NJ 1
People came from all over the country (and Australia!) to punch the speed bag for 3 days (day and night.)

SPEED BAG 2010 - in Keyport NJ 3
It was the experience of a lifetime – friendships were formed that last to this day.

SPEED BAG 2010 - in Keyport NJ 2
Here’s the rack setup in Real Gymm – ready for some punching.

SPEED BAG 2010 - in Keyport NJ 1
One more view from SPEED BAG 2010. The smaller rack was used outside only.


  1. It was an honor to visit your home and use “The Rack” in 2007, just a few years before the first Speed Bag Gathering in 2010. It is a rock solid creation and the version in New Jersey has last for over 10 years with hundreds of speed baggers pounding on all 6 to 8 positions. This is “the standard” for multi-position speed bag setups!

  2. wonderful! questions: i need the wooden rack for my dinning room platform, due to my sensitive neighbour above!would it be enough strong to take boxing type of bagging punishment without vibrations of course with the sand bag on the top? you mentioned the expensive type and longevity of the bolts but cedar wood is way too expensive? is it necessary for that kind of wood indoors or i can make it with the cheaper sort?maybe it would be useful to attached the wooden rack to the wall but on the way to avoid the transfer of vibration? thanks in advance.

    • Hi Vigor. The type of wood (cedar or anything else shouldn’t matter). I’ll bet wood is very expensive now all over the globe. But I do feel that big heavy wood will help the best, that’s why the uprights are 4″ x 4″. I’ve never tried building it with smaller dimension wood, but I think it might work.

      • on the phot where alan is behind you cosely watching your work there are three bags please tell me which brand is that one in the middle black coloured? is it possible to hang some pretty weighty heavy bag beside speed bag on your rack? and how much is helpful havig speed bag on the rack instead of maunted on the wall in the matter of easing vibration? or, simply, the main noise comes from the impact of punched ball to the drum?

        • Regarding the black bag – unfortunately that was so long ago – I really don’t remember – and I don’t have that bag any longer. Regarding the rack – it makes a big difference in terms of vibration through the rest of the house. I used to have wall mounted platforms and at times, it would rattle things off shelves on the inside of the house! The other benefit is I can change platforms often – without tearing up the walls.

          • I found some detail embarrassing to me: below the platform i spotted vertical wood probably twoo but not visable, is it connected with the horizontal wood deeply on the bottom of the construction?

          • My unit is NOT bolted to the floor – but that might be a good move. I have hundreds of pounds of weight as “ballast” – that works just as well.

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